
The Bones for Life program addresses the functional aspect of movement skill involved in withstanding the force of gravity by offering a series of movement processes that improve the quality of body coordination. The emphasis of the program is on organizing the skeleton into a safe weight-bearing posture to sustain springy pulsations of force - the natural code for bone strength and suppleness. 

Bones for Life is based on the teachings of Moshe Feldenkrais for the re-education of movement habits. Awakening the self to improve the quality of moving is achieved through gradual experience of unused options. The learning is geared to the harmonious integration of all body parts in functioning, integration being the central characteristic of any organism. The suggested ways of moving are explored in the perspective of the reciprocal coordination of all body parts. 

A dynamic and springy walking style is the natural motivation which stimulates the organism to strengthen its bones. It is the rhythmical pulsations of lively steps that enable the blood, which carries nutrients and oxygen, to penetrate the solid tissue of the bones and provide for growth of new bone cells. A well-aligned posture and harmonious coordination of movement are essential for sustaining the springy pressure of this dynamic walk which can stimulate bone strength.

The movement configurations in the Bones for Life program are modeled after the primal patterns of locomotion in nature. The efficiency of these patterns has been proven throughout millions of years of evolution. These basic patterns of walking are re-learned in the program in greenhouse conditions of safe and gradual practice that are adaptable to individual pace and ability. Simple tools facilitate the development of controlled resistance to pressure, like using a strip of cloth as a wrap, pushing a wall, lifting weights, or learning safe ways of falling. 

Participants find joy in their practice and they are more satisfied with their competence in moving. The increased confidence in a more reliable skeleton inspires a sensation of biological optimism. 

Bones for Life